

From wheat to pasta? Yes, we can!

A container for producing artisanal pasta a few steps from the wheat field

Making the farmer independent is the basis of our daily activities. That is, making sure that he can produce, process and market a healthy, tasty and sustainable product.



This is what we were expressly asked by agronomist Danilo Cecchini about a year ago. He is the owner of the Bellezza farm in Castignano in the province of Ascoli Piceno, in the heart of the Marche region. It is a small family business that has always grown wheat. Until a few months ago, they harvested it to sell to neighbouring pasta factories who processed it for them. But Danilo was no longer satisfied with the type of product he was getting, he wanted more. He wanted to be able to give his production, made entirely by his own hands, that added value that would distinguish it from all the others. This was the need behind the request: to close the chain of his production.

He approached Self Globe with a clear idea in mind. He knew what he wanted and how. It was a pleasure for us to work together on a completely new project in an unexplored field. Riccardo, our technical office manager, has pleasantly put himself on the line. He worked 4 hands together with Danilo, to try to structure in the best way a module for the transformation of wheat into flour and therefore of the production of pasta. A conscientious study was carried out to choose the most appropriate technologies to be incorporated into the system, which also saw us hosted by some leading Italian companies in the pasta sector.

In the end the result was very satisfying.

In August 2020 we placed, installed and started up our first modular pasta production plant. It is a 9-metre structure complete with bathroom, changing room and laboratory. Production takes place in two main stages: from the wheat we create the flour, which is dried in a special room. The next step is the production of pasta, which is then packaged and stored in warehouses outside the container. With the supply of the module, Danilo also benefited from a 3-day training service with a specialized pasta maker in order to have an excellent finished product.

Terra Mater: starting from one’s own land and relying on one’s own work, this is the great secret of success!

prefabricated module container